From FileMaker to SQL with Applescript

From FileMaker Pro to MSSQL or MYSQL using Applescript

set tablestoMake to ""
set dbName to ""

set mysql to true
set mssql to false
set sqlInsert to false
set mssqlClasses to false
set truncate to false
set useDB to false

set namespace to "" ---USED TO OUTPUT A BASIC C SHARP CLASS

tell application "FileMaker Pro"
    set output to ""
    set myTables to the name of every table of database dbName
    repeat with x from 1 to the count of every table of database dbName
        set myTable to item x of myTables
        if (tablestoMake contains myTable or tablestoMake is "") then
            set myTable to name of table myTable
            set myDbTable to (dbName as string) & "_" & name of table myTable of database dbName
            set myfields to the name of every field of table myTable of database dbName as list

            set output to output & "CREATE TABLE " & myTable & return & tab & tab & "(" & return

            if (mysql = true) then
                repeat with i from 1 to the count of myfields
                    set myfield to item i of myfields as string
                    set myFieldType to default type of field (item i of myfields) of table myTable of database dbName as string
                    if myfield is equal to "id" and myFieldType is equal to "real" then
                        set output to output & tab & tab & tab & "`" & myfield & "`" & " MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY"
                    else if myFieldType = "real" then
                        set output to output & tab & tab & tab & "`" & myfield & "`" & " INT"
                    else if myFieldType = "date" then
                        set output to output & tab & tab & tab & "`" & myfield & "`" & " VARCHAR (256)"
                    else if myFieldType = "string" then
                        set output to output & "   " & tab & tab & tab & "`" & myfield & "`" & " VARCHAR (2256)"
                    end if
                    if (i < the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & "," & return
                    else if (i = the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & return
                    end if
                    set i to i + 1
                end repeat
                set output to output & tab & tab & tab & ") " & return & tab & tab & tab & "ENGINE=MyISAM;" & return & return
            end if
            if (mssql = true) then
                repeat with i from 1 to the count of myfields
                    set myfield to item i of myfields as string
                    set myFieldType to default type of field (item i of myfields) of table myTable of database dbName as string
                    if myfield is equal to "id" and myFieldType is equal to "real" then
                        set output to output & tab & tab & tab & "id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY"
                    else if myFieldType = "real" then
                        set output to output & tab & tab & tab & "[" & myfield & "] INT"
                    else if myFieldType = "date" then
                        set output to output & tab & tab & tab & "[" & myfield & "] datetime"
                    else if myFieldType = "string" then
                        set output to output & "   " & tab & tab & tab & "[" & myfield & "] NVARCHAR(2256)"
                    end if
                    if (i < the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & ", " & return
                    else if (i = the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & return
                    end if
                    set i to i + 1
                end repeat
                set output to output & return & tab & tab & ");" & return & return
            end if
            if (mssqlClasses = true) then
                set output to "using System.Web;" & return & return
                set output to output & "namespace " & namespace & ".NS" & myTable & return
                set output to output & "{" & return
                set output to output & tab & "public class " & myTable & return
                set output to output & tab & "{" & return
                repeat with i from 1 to the count of myfields
                    set myfield to item i of myfields as string
                    set myFieldType to default type of field (item i of myfields) of table myTable of database dbName as string
                    if myfield is equal to "id" and myFieldType is equal to "real" then
                        set output to output & "   " & tab & tab & tab & "public int " & myfield & "{ get; set; }"
                    else if myFieldType = "real" then
                        set output to output & "   " & tab & tab & tab & "public int " & myfield & "{ get; set; }"
                    else if myFieldType = "date" then
                        set output to output & "   " & tab & tab & tab & "public date " & myfield & "{ get; set; }"
                    else if myFieldType = "string" then
                        set output to output & "   " & tab & tab & tab & "public string " & myfield & "{ get; set; }"
                    end if
                    if (i < the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & return
                    else if (i = the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & return
                    end if
                    set i to i + 1
                end repeat
                set output to output & return & tab & "}" & return & return
                set output to output & return & "}" & return & return
                my saveDoc(output, dbName, myTable, mssqlClasses, sqlInsert)
            end if
            if (sqlInsert = true) then
                set output to "INSERT INTO " & myTable & "("
                repeat with i from 1 to the count of myfields
                    if (i < the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & (item i of myfields as string) & ", "
                    else if (i = the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & (item i of myfields as string) & ") values ("
                    end if
                    set i to i + 1
                end repeat
                set i to 1
                repeat with i from 1 to the count of myfields
                    set myfield to item i of myfields as string
                    set myFieldType to default type of field (item i of myfields) of table myTable of database dbName as string
                    if myFieldType = "real" then
                        set output to output & " int "
                    else if myFieldType = "string" or myFieldType = "date" then
                        set output to output & "string "
                    end if
                    if (i < the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & ", "
                    end if
                    if (i = the (count of myfields)) then
                        set output to output & ");" & return
                    end if
                end repeat
                my saveDoc(output, dbName, myTable, mssqlClasses, sqlInsert)
            end if
        end if
        --end try
        set x to x + 1
    end repeat
    if (mssql = true or mysql = true) then
        my saveDoc(output, dbName, myTable, mssqlClasses, sqlInsert)
    end if
    display dialog "DONE"
end tell

on saveDoc(output, dbName, myTable, mssqlClasses, sqlInsert)
    set the clipboard to output
    set d to do shell script "date '+%Y_%m_%d'"
    tell application "TextWrangler"
        make new document
        paste of document of window 1
        if (mssqlClasses = false and sqlInsert = false) then
            save document of window 1 to dbName & "_sections_headers_" & d & "_big.sql"
        else if (mssqlClasses = true) then
            save document of window 1 to myTable & ".cs"
        else if (sqlInsert = true) then
            save document of window 1 to myTable & ".sql"
        end if
        --close document of window 1
    end tell
end saveDoc

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